Eneko Yarza Arabolaza born the 3rd of Nov 1978 in Hondarribia, Atlantic coast town in Euskal Herria (=Basque Country), on the western corner of the Pyrenees Mountains. He is not spanish nor french, but Euskaldun.
The Basques are the native people from the whole Pyrenees, European indigenous. We speak Euskara or basque language that it is not Indo-European family language like Latin-Romance, Germanic (German, English, etc), Sanskrit, Slavic, Celtic, Iranian, etc. It is from before Indo-European was born, more than 5000 years, and the oldest still spoken language in Europe.
Eh, listen people from the world! We are still alive and we want to shine alive!
When I was 11 I started flat-water canoe and kayaking, giving it all because my father was sick at hospitals. I train and compete during 8 years, having like one of the best results the 2nd place on the Sella International Downriver Race in C2.
When I was 20 I decided to become a River Guide and to don’t admit any money from no one, neither from family. So while I kept studying every weekend and holidays I hitchhike from university to Murillo de Gallego on the Pyrenees of Huesca to work on the river. I started plastic kayaking. My new career was started.
In 2002 my university life phase was finished, and one of the most important decisions was to be taken. Now what? I took my kayak passion on the shoulders and with the river guide job like a tool I decided to travel the World. I became a River Nomad, going out and in from the Pyrenees.
It is 12 years since that, and worked in 20 countries and descended hundreds of rivers in 30 countries.
I worked like river guide (rafting, hydrospeed, canoe, safety kayak…), kayak instructor, photo kayak, video kayak (edition and presentations), etc. Time to time I worked like a teacher at the Basque School (primary and secondary, physical education specialty), but I missed the river, so lately I am mixing my 2 professional careers: education and river guide. I am Instructor 4/5 IRF (International Rafting Federation), educating, evaluating and certifying river guides around the globe.
Like 12 years ago, still the same passion moves me, descending world white water RIVERS.
Again with the kayak at the airport.
Sounds like the beginning of a good chapter. Let´s go!
Sounds like the beginning of a good chapter. Let´s go!