Eneko Yarza Kayak

IBAI BIDAIAK: Blog hau nire bidaiei buruz da, munduan zehar ibaiak jaitsiaz kayakari eta ibai gida moduan.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Beste bizimodu bat ezagutzera gonbidatuak zaudete.
RIVER TRAVELS:This blog talks about my travels around the world, as a passionate nomad kayaker and as a river guide.
VIAJES POR RÍOS: Este blog habla de mis viajes por el mundo como kayakista y guía de ríos apasionado y nómada.


Our Death anniversary.

Mark Hentze, today is the anniversary of our death and I am gracefull of that. This flashflood was not in vain, and the mother nature shows us when to stop and when to learn for evolution. No identifications and no attachments are the key for freedom and evolution as a being. And for that, I think, every human being should feel death for a moment, to begin the journey to know what we really are.

Today in our anniversary I shaved my hair, dreadlocks and beard, and I throw them to the holy Ganges river, dying and borning again.
Thanks the true reality, thanks mother earth and thank you Mark.
Shall you have all the trust and help for evolution on your next body life.

And for Mark's family and friends, shall you not feel sorrow anymore, just a big gracefull smile as when a good movie is finished. And with that feeling, shall you enjoy the present.

          Remembering what happened an exact year ago...

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